Source code for distil.utils.train_helper

from import DataLoader, Dataset
from torch import nn
import torch
import torch.optim as optim
import sys

[docs]def init_weights(m): if type(m) == nn.Linear: torch.nn.init.xavier_uniform_(m.weight)
[docs]class AddIndexDataset(Dataset): def __init__(self, wrapped_dataset): self.wrapped_dataset = wrapped_dataset def __getitem__(self, index): data, label = self.wrapped_dataset[index] return data, label, index def __len__(self): return len(self.wrapped_dataset)
#custom training
[docs]class data_train: """ Provides a configurable training loop for AL. Parameters ---------- training_dataset: The training dataset to use net: torch.nn.Module The model to train args: dict Additional arguments to control the training loop `batch_size` - The size of each training batch (int, optional) `islogs`- Whether to return training metadata (bool, optional) `optimizer`- The choice of optimizer. Must be one of 'sgd' or 'adam' (string, optional) `isverbose`- Whether to print more messages about the training (bool, optional) `isreset`- Whether to reset the model before training (bool, optional) `max_accuracy`- The training accuracy cutoff by which to stop training (float, optional) `min_diff_acc`- The minimum difference in accuracy to measure in the window of monitored accuracies. If all differences are less than the minimum, stop training (float, optional) `window_size`- The size of the window for monitoring accuracies. If all differences are less than 'min_diff_acc', then stop training (int, optional) `criterion`- The criterion to use for training (typing.Callable[], optional) `device`- The device to use for training (string, optional) """ def __init__(self, training_dataset, net, args): self.training_dataset = AddIndexDataset(training_dataset) = net self.args = args self.n_pool = len(training_dataset) if 'islogs' not in args: self.args['islogs'] = False if 'optimizer' not in args: self.args['optimizer'] = 'sgd' if 'isverbose' not in args: self.args['isverbose'] = False if 'isreset' not in args: self.args['isreset'] = True if 'max_accuracy' not in args: self.args['max_accuracy'] = 0.95 if 'min_diff_acc' not in args: #Threshold to monitor for self.args['min_diff_acc'] = 0.001 if 'window_size' not in args: #Window for monitoring accuracies self.args['window_size'] = 10 if 'criterion' not in args: self.args['criterion'] = nn.CrossEntropyLoss() if 'device' not in args: self.device = "cuda" if torch.cuda.is_available() else "cpu" else: self.device = args['device']
[docs] def update_index(self, idxs_lb): self.idxs_lb = idxs_lb
[docs] def update_data(self, new_training_dataset): """ Updates the training dataset with the provided new training dataset Parameters ---------- new_training_dataset: The new training dataset """ self.training_dataset = AddIndexDataset(new_training_dataset)
[docs] def get_acc_on_set(self, test_dataset): """ Calculates and returns the accuracy on the given dataset to test Parameters ---------- test_dataset: The dataset to test Returns ------- accFinal: float The fraction of data points whose predictions by the current model match their targets """ try: self.clf except: self.clf = if test_dataset is None: raise ValueError("Test data not present") if 'batch_size' in self.args: batch_size = self.args['batch_size'] else: batch_size = 1 loader_te = DataLoader(test_dataset, shuffle=False, pin_memory=True, batch_size=batch_size) self.clf.eval() accFinal = 0. with torch.no_grad(): self.clf = for batch_id, (x,y) in enumerate(loader_te): x, y =, out = self.clf(x) accFinal += torch.sum(1.0*(torch.max(out,1)[1] == y)).item() return accFinal / len(test_dataset)
def _train_weighted(self, epoch, loader_tr, optimizer, gradient_weights): self.clf.train() accFinal = 0. criterion = self.args['criterion'] criterion.reduction = "none" for batch_id, (x, y, idxs) in enumerate(loader_tr): x, y =, gradient_weights = optimizer.zero_grad() out = self.clf(x) # Modify the loss function to apply weights before reducing to a mean loss = criterion(out, y.long()) # Perform a dot product with the loss vector and the weight vector, then divide by batch size. weighted_loss =, gradient_weights[idxs]) weighted_loss = torch.div(weighted_loss, len(idxs)) accFinal += torch.sum(torch.eq(torch.max(out,1)[1],y)).item() # Backward now does so on the weighted loss, not the regular mean loss weighted_loss.backward() # clamp gradients, just in case # for p in filter(lambda p: p.grad is not None, self.clf.parameters()):, max=.1) optimizer.step() return accFinal / len(loader_tr.dataset), weighted_loss def _train(self, epoch, loader_tr, optimizer): self.clf.train() accFinal = 0. criterion = self.args['criterion'] criterion.reduction = "mean" for batch_id, (x, y, idxs) in enumerate(loader_tr): x, y =, optimizer.zero_grad() out = self.clf(x) loss = criterion(out, y.long()) accFinal += torch.sum((torch.max(out,1)[1] == y).float()).item() loss.backward() # clamp gradients, just in case # for p in filter(lambda p: p.grad is not None, self.clf.parameters()):, max=.1) optimizer.step() return accFinal / len(loader_tr.dataset), loss
[docs] def check_saturation(self, acc_monitor): saturate = True for i in range(len(acc_monitor)): for j in range(i+1, len(acc_monitor)): if acc_monitor[j] - acc_monitor[i] >= self.args['min_diff_acc']: saturate = False break return saturate
[docs] def train(self, gradient_weights=None): """ Initiates the training loop. Parameters ---------- gradient_weights: list, optional The weight of each data point's effect on the loss gradient. If none, regular training will commence. If not, weighted training will commence. Returns ------- model: torch.nn.Module The trained model. Alternatively, this will also return the training logs if 'islogs' is set to true. """ print('Training..') def weight_reset(m): if hasattr(m, 'reset_parameters'): m.reset_parameters() train_logs = [] n_epoch = self.args['n_epoch'] if self.args['isreset']: self.clf = else: try: self.clf except: self.clf = if self.args['optimizer'] == 'sgd': optimizer = optim.SGD(self.clf.parameters(), lr = self.args['lr'], momentum=0.9, weight_decay=5e-4) lr_sched = optim.lr_scheduler.CosineAnnealingLR(optimizer, T_max=n_epoch) elif self.args['optimizer'] == 'adam': optimizer = optim.Adam(self.clf.parameters(), lr = self.args['lr'], weight_decay=0) if 'batch_size' in self.args: batch_size = self.args['batch_size'] else: batch_size = 1 # Set shuffle to true to encourage stochastic behavior for SGD loader_tr = DataLoader(self.training_dataset, batch_size=batch_size, shuffle=True, pin_memory=True) epoch = 1 accCurrent = 0 is_saturated = False acc_monitor = [] while (accCurrent < self.args['max_accuracy']) and (epoch < n_epoch) and (not is_saturated): if gradient_weights is None: accCurrent, lossCurrent = self._train(epoch, loader_tr, optimizer) else: accCurrent, lossCurrent = self._train_weighted(epoch, loader_tr, optimizer, gradient_weights) acc_monitor.append(accCurrent) if self.args['optimizer'] == 'sgd': lr_sched.step() epoch += 1 if(self.args['isverbose']): if epoch % 50 == 0: print(str(epoch) + ' training accuracy: ' + str(accCurrent), flush=True) #Stop training if not converging if len(acc_monitor) >= self.args['window_size']: is_saturated = self.check_saturation(acc_monitor) del acc_monitor[0] log_string = 'Epoch:' + str(epoch) + '- training accuracy:'+str(accCurrent)+'- training loss:'+str(lossCurrent) train_logs.append(log_string) if (epoch % 50 == 0) and (accCurrent < 0.2): # resetif not converging self.clf = if self.args['optimizer'] == 'sgd': optimizer = optim.SGD(self.clf.parameters(), lr = self.args['lr'], momentum=0.9, weight_decay=5e-4) lr_sched = optim.lr_scheduler.CosineAnnealingLR(optimizer, T_max=n_epoch) else: optimizer = optim.Adam(self.clf.parameters(), lr = self.args['lr'], weight_decay=0) print('Epoch:', str(epoch), 'Training accuracy:', round(accCurrent, 3), flush=True) if self.args['islogs']: return self.clf, train_logs else: return self.clf