Source code for distil.active_learning_strategies.entropy_sampling

import torch

from .score_streaming_strategy import ScoreStreamingStrategy

[docs]class EntropySampling(ScoreStreamingStrategy): """ Implements the Entropy Sampling Strategy, one of the most basic active learning strategies, where we select samples about which the model is most uncertain. To quantify the uncertainity we use entropy and therefore select points which have maximum entropy. Suppose the model has `nclasses` output nodes and each output node is denoted by :math:`z_j`. Thus, :math:`j \\in [1,nclasses]`. Then for a output node :math:`z_i` from the model, the corresponding softmax would be .. math:: \\sigma(z_i) = \\frac{e^{z_i}}{\\sum_j e^{z_j}} Then entropy can be calculated as, .. math:: ENTROPY = -\\sum_j \\sigma(z_j)*\\log(\\sigma(z_j)) The algorithm then selects `budget` no. of elements with highest **ENTROPY**. Parameters ---------- labeled_dataset: The labeled training dataset unlabeled_dataset: The unlabeled pool dataset net: torch.nn.Module The deep model to use nclasses: int Number of unique values for the target args: dict Specify additional parameters - **batch_size**: The batch size used internally for objects. (int, optional) - **device**: The device to be used for computation. PyTorch constructs are transferred to this device. Usually is one of 'cuda' or 'cpu'. (string, optional) - **loss**: The loss function to be used in computations. (typing.Callable[[torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor], torch.Tensor], optional) """ def __init__(self, labeled_dataset, unlabeled_dataset, net, nclasses, args={}): super(EntropySampling, self).__init__(labeled_dataset, unlabeled_dataset, net, nclasses, args) def acquire_scores(self, unlabeled_buffer): probs = self.predict_prob(unlabeled_buffer) log_probs = torch.log(probs) U = -(probs*log_probs).sum(1) return U