Source code for distil.active_learning_strategies.adversarial_bim

import numpy as np
import torch
from .strategy import Strategy

[docs]class AdversarialBIM(Strategy): """ Implements Adversial Bim Strategy which is motivated by the fact that often the distance computation from decision boundary is difficult and intractable for margin based methods. This technique avoids estimating distance by using BIM(Basic Iterative Method) :footcite:`tramer2017ensemble` to estimate how much adversarial perturbation is required to cross the boundary. Smaller the required the perturbation, closer the point is to the boundary. **Basic Iterative Method (BIM)**: Given a base input, the approach is to perturb each feature in the direction of the gradient by magnitude :math:`\\epsilon`, where is a parameter that determines perturbation size. For a model with loss :math:`\\nabla J(\\theta, x, y)`, where :math:`\\theta` represents the model parameters, x is the model input, and y is the label of x, the adversarial sample is generated iteratively as, .. math:: \\begin{eqnarray} x^*_0 & = &x, x^*_i & = & clip_{x,e} (x^*_{i-1} + sign(\\nabla_{x^*_{i-1}} J(\\theta, x^*_{i-1} , y))) \\end{eqnarray} Parameters ---------- labeled_dataset: The labeled training dataset unlabeled_dataset: The unlabeled pool dataset net: torch.nn.Module The deep model to use nclasses: int Number of unique values for the target args: dict Specify additional parameters - **batch_size**: Batch size to be used inside strategy class (int, optional) - **device**: The device that this strategy class should use for computation (string, optional) - **loss**: The loss that should be used for relevant computations (typing.Callable[[torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor], torch.Tensor], optional) - **eps**: Epsilon value for gradients (float, optional) - **verbose**: Whether to print more output (bool, optional) """ def __init__(self, labeled_dataset, unlabeled_dataset, net, nclasses, args={}): if 'eps' in args: self.eps = args['eps'] else: self.eps = 0.05 if 'verbose' in args: self.verbose = args['verbose'] else: self.verbose = False if 'stop_iterations_by_count' in args: self.stop_iterations_by_count = args['stop_iterations_by_count'] else: self.stop_iterations_by_count = 1000 super(AdversarialBIM, self).__init__(labeled_dataset, unlabeled_dataset, net, nclasses, args={}) def cal_dis(self, x): nx = torch.unsqueeze(x, 0).detach() nx.requires_grad_() eta = torch.zeros(nx.shape).to(self.device) out = self.model(nx+eta) py = out.max(1)[1] ny = out.max(1)[1] iteration = 0 while py.item() == ny.item(): if iteration == self.stop_iterations_by_count: break loss = self.loss(out, ny) loss.backward() eta += self.eps * torch.sign( out = self.model(nx+eta) py = out.max(1)[1] iteration += 1 return (eta*eta).sum()
[docs] def select(self, budget): """ Selects next set of points Parameters ---------- budget: int Number of data points to select for labeling Returns ---------- idxs: list List of selected data point indices with respect to unlabeled_dataset """ self.model.eval() self.model = dis = np.zeros(len(self.unlabeled_dataset)) data_pool = self.unlabeled_dataset for i in range(len(self.unlabeled_dataset)): if self.verbose: if i % 5 == 0: print('adv {}/{}'.format(i, len(self.unlabeled_dataset))) x = data_pool[i].to(self.device) dis[i] = self.cal_dis(x) idxs = dis.argsort()[:budget] return idxs