
We have incorporated several neural network architectures in the DISTIL repository. Below given is a list of Neural network architectures:
  • densenet

  • dla

  • dla_simple

  • dpn

  • efficientnet

  • googlenet

  • lenet

  • mobilenet

  • mobilenetv2

  • pnasnet

  • preact_resnet

  • regnet

  • resnet

  • resnext

  • senet

  • shufflenet

  • shufflenetv2

  • vgg

To use custom model architecture, modify the model architecture in the following way:

The forward method should have two more variables:

  1. A boolean variable last which -

    If *true: returns the model output and the output of the second last layer

    If *false: Returns the model output.

  2. A boolean variable ‘freeze’ which -

    If *true: disables the tracking of any calculations required to later calculate a gradient i.e skips gradient calculation over the weights

    If *false: otherwise

  3. get_embedding_dim() method which returns the number of hidden units in the last layer.